05 November 2008

The new president...

ah the dualism of america is yet again flaunted in front of mine eyes. i predicted, i knew that something like this would happen: if obama wins, mccain supporters will be screaming tyranny and communism and if mccain won, obama supporters would be conspirisizing voter fraud and disenfranchisement.

going to a larely conservative and right swinging school, i knew there would be pandemonoium if obama won. here are just an excerpt of some of the most outraged facebook statuses:

"can't believe it....remain in prayer guys! Stand fast in your faith!"

Americas new motto take from those who work and give to those who sell dope on the street corner and collect wellfare."

good job america. we are fucked."


haha. my point is, dont you think its a little too early to discredit policies that havent even been put into effect yet? also, it is illogical to argue that "well, he doesnt care about the military and YOU are in the military." well, i hope servicemembers accross the board realize that there are other issues of utmost importance that is not the military.

also, please dont be running around screaming socialism when you have no idea what the word means. you think redistribution of wealth and a revised tax plan is un-american and socialist? well you, my friend, have a lot of reading to do.

point is, dont discredit any policies yet. nothing has changed in the last six hours and nothing will "change" overnight. you want a democracy, you got it. the people have spoken and it is time to once again ride this crazy train known as american politics.

also, i am a moderate. but i believe in this silly idea that in a democracy, people vote to get what they want. whether or not i agree with it, that is the truth and thats what we need to support, not just go around pigeonholing policies before they even become reality.

a fb quote from a real american.
Time for all Americans to unite, No more divisions, the people have awnsered.... They will have their wish.... God Bless America"

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